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Blog Home

[vc_row content_width=“full“ equal_height=““ font_color=“light“ shift_y=“0″ z_index=“0″][vc_column][wvc_admin_helper_text comment=“The header slider shows the 3 last posts („Blog Home Slider„ in the „Header | Blog Home„ content block).
In the post module below -> query tab, the offset is set to „3„ so the last 3 posts are not displayed twice.“][wvc_post_index el_id=“index-56915″ post_display=“metro_modern“ post_display_elements=“show_thumbnail,show_date,show_tags“ grid_padding=“no“ posts_per_page=“9″ orderby=““ order=““ offset=“3″][vc_button button_type=“glytch_button“ title=“MORE POSTS“ size=“lg“ font_weight=“700″ button_block=“true“ link=“|||“ css=“.vc_custom_1515691641982{margin-top: -35px !important;}“][/vc_column][/vc_row]